The Lake of Stones
After a long trip we finally arrived in Lapland, and so began our search for monster Pike in The Lake of Stones.
In Lapland the winters last for 9-months, but the summer sun shines eternal. In this window of good weather flora and fauna accelerate their metabolism till reaching their maximum expression in a very short time. This is also the case for the Pike of the lake, if you consider that only 3-weeks before our trip the lake was completely ice covered. Many anglers target fish from shore, but we were lucky enough to have access to a skiff.
Divided in two, the first part of our trip had us up against some gnarly weather with strong northerly winds and driving rain. We were forced to work the coastline of small sheltered islands, mostly wade fishing; it was a challenging couple of days but we still managed to find some fish.
Despite the tough conditions our group was made-up of great people and old friends. It was a pleasure to spend time together and we are firmly convinced that this part of the game is as important as fishing itself is! The second part of the week was spectacular. With a gentle southerly wind and the sun high in the sky, the lake chop laid down the fish really turned on. We found what we had traveled all this way to catch and experience.